Summer Camp at Hotchkiss
Join Phil Barker, and other SQUASH:ED team members at our exclusive summer camp at Hotchkiss School. Receive expert coaching, improve your squash and movement skills and learn how to train more efficiently with our expert professionals.
JULY 6–JULY 10 OR JULY 13–JULY 17 2020
Enjoy coaching on technical, tactical and movement on one of Hotchkiss School’s eight international squash courts at their air conditioned world class facility. This week-long residential camp includes all food, evening activities including farm BBQ, lake swims, movie trips, and much more.
July 6–July 10 2020
Ages 12–16
Advanced Tournament Players
July 6–July 10 2020
Ages 11–15
Beginner & Intermediate Players
Numbers strictly limited to 18 players.
Highlights from Previous Summers
Sample Schedule
8am Breakfast @ Dining Halls
9am Meet at Courts: Warm up, workshop on day's focus, Technical, tactical and movement outlined
10am On Court with Coaches: Feeding with technical feedback and corrections
11am Pairs/threes: Working on the day's focus in various routines which showcases that skill, often with a competitive element
12pm Recap as a group of mornings findings, warm down and assign groups for afternoons session
1pm Lunch @ Dining Halls
2pm Video analysis/portfolio work OR condition games OR team games
3pm Video analysis/portfolio work OR condition games OR team games
4pm Daily training workshop
5pm R & R at lake
6pm Dinner @ Dining Halls
7–9pm Evening activity
10pm Back in dorms for lights out